welcome to my website!

this place is still under construction, so beware of dead links and missing pages!

This is a personal website, so I want to use it to share my writing, table top projects, my thoughts on things, and just whatever I’ve been up to lately!

I also want it to be a place where I can showcase (and save!) cool things I find all over the net. When this page is less under construction this part of the paragraph would include links to different pages and websites, but it’s still a work in progress. Check out my adoptables page though! Just kidding. That page isn’t set up either. But it’s the first one on my list, also I haven’t even shared this url with anyone yet so no one is supposed to notice there’s no link yet. If you’re here now, you’re in on the ground floor! You can be so pretentious about this website later. Thanks for checking out the exclusive pre-release of this website’s upcoming pages!